This 3 inch cake is always a crowd favorite that has entertained people from coast to coast. Performance consists of […]
This 3 inch cake is always a crowd favorite that has entertained people from coast to coast. Performance consists of […]
You’d better grab the bull by the horns when you fire this 16 shot 500 gram cake. This hard hitter
If a fight is what you’re looking for you’ll get lots of it with this cake, it comes ready and
Red glitter silver whirling mine, blue tail brocade crown gold glitter, red glitter silver whirling mine, blue rail silver strobe
Blue Dalia, White Glitter and Silver Fish, Purple Dalia, Golden Glitter with Green Fish.
Brocade red glittering mine to brocade crown with red dahlia, silver strobe green glittering mine to brocade crown with purple
Orange, skyblue dahlia and silver giltter/ sky blue, lemon dahlia and silver glitter/ dark red, skyblue dahlia and silver glitter.
1st row brocade with brocade to green glitter, 2nd row brocade mine with brocade blue peony, 3rd row brocade mine
Blue star white glittering mine, red tip white glittering willow, red/blue/purple dahlia chry, blue star mine to red blue chry
Chrysanthemum mine to brocade crown, red dahlia sparkler; green dahlia sparkler; purple dahlia sparkler; blue dajlia sparkler; lemon dahlia sparkler;
White glitter mine, red dahlia sparkler, white glitter sparkler; blue dahlia sparkler; golden palm to blue sparkler; white glitter mixed
Silver fish mine, red dahlia sparkler mine, blue dajlia sparkler mine; sliver fish, red dahlia sparkler, blue dahlia sparkler.
Brocade crown mine, golden glitter sparkler mine, brocade crown, blue dahlia sparkler; silver wave, purple dahlia sparkler; red crackling chrysanthemum;